To keep you and our staff safe, all our plumbers undergo regular Covid-19 testing every two weeks.
When you call our office on 027 234 5454 to book a plumber to come to your place, or you call us for an emergency callout, we’ll send you the following email.

Hi …….,
Your booking with FlowFix Plumbing is confirmed for ……… around …….
To keep in line with our COVID-19 protocols, your plumber will call you when he’s on his way to confirm your household’s COVID status as below.
1. Do you have any symptoms associated with COVID-19?
2. Are you awaiting the results from a COVID-19 test?
3. Have you been in contact with any known or suspected cases of COVID-19 in the past 14 days?
Protocols when visiting your work site:
1. Please clear and disinfect the work area where the plumber will be working.
2. Our plumber will call to confirm you Covid status
3. Please sign in with the covid tracer app when the plumber arrives on site
4. Please wear a face mask and keep a 2m distance at all times
Our plumber will be wearing a disposable face mask and new gloves for each job.
Please feel free to contact us if you have any questions or call our office on 027 234 5454.
Warmest regards,
The FlowFix Plumbing Team

Online reviews are a good way to find out whether the plumber you’ve found online is one you’d feel comfortable having in your home. So, we’ve posted some reviews on our plumbers that our customers have posted on Google, and we have a plumbing guarantee.